Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Move to MD

What crazy times it has been. The movers packed up our home in NC June 16-18 leaving us with an empty house to sleep in. Matt and I went to WalMart and bought an air mattress and sleeping bags. Katheryn had gone to FL with her grandparent's before the movers came so it was just us and the boys...and our lab Cody. That Saturday, we drove from NC to our new home in MD. On Sunday, Matt headed back to NC to finish up his last week of work while the boys and I stayed in MD. The movers came that Monday to move us in. Brian went to Solomon's Island with my parents so it was just Ethan and I...and Cody, too. Brian came back on Thursday and by then I had quite a bit unpacked. Matt then joined us Sunday, June 29th and Katheryn and her grandfather flew in July 2nd. A great deal of our things had been unpacked. The only problem was, the kitchen did not have a refrigerator. We had ours on order along with the other kitchen appliances which were to be delivered Saturday, July 5th. My sister and two nieces flew in that Saturday evening. It was quite a busy day. The appliances arrived but the refrigerator had a huge gash on it's side where a fork lift apparently missed the pallette and the oven, well, it wouldn't stop beeping once it was plugged in. After many phone calls and a trip to the company, our new range and fridge will be in the store by the 29th of July. So for now, I have a range sitting in the middle of the kitchen acting as an island. Later that evening, we went to Antietam Battlefield to watch the fireworks display. On the way there, it was pouring but apparently at the battlefield, it was sunny. Matt and his dad had gone early to reserve a spot with a tarp for us. I kept calling Matt and he kept assuring me that it would not be rained out. When we finally got there, you could feel the wind and see lightning threating it's way closer. The Maryland Symphony Orchestra skipped many songs and finally they just went ahead and crammed 45 minutes worth of fireworks into 20 minutes because of the rain. Thank goodness we had a tarp! All together there were about 10 of us and we probably could have fit another 10 under there. We were able to enjoy the fireworks from our flimsy shelter. We were quite a site but atleast we were dry...until we had to walk to our cars about a mile away. It was a lot of fun. The next morning, Matt's dad flew out and my sister and nieces came and stayed with us. On Monday, the electrician came to install my dishwasher and microwave. He wasn't able to touch my range since it wasn't on his work order. Bummer! As they were finishing up, Ethan and my niece were playing in the living room. She was giving him a horsey ride until...well, he decided to let go and he fell. He started crying and my niece lifted his arm and calmly said, "uh, I don't think his arm is supposed to look like this." I turned to look and immediately started up the stairs yelling that I needed to get him to the ER. I grabbed a towel and made a make-shift sling for him and got him to the car. The electricians had this puzzled look on their faces. LOL. I made it to the hospital and got great service. The fastest I've ever gotten at the ER...believe me..with kids, you make several trips to the ER. We get in, they do x-rays and sure enough, his lower right arm is broken. Both bones! We waited hours until the orthopedic surgeon could get in there and he finally put a splint on him. We had a follow up appt a few days later and Ethan picked out the color red for his cast. So now, he has a red cast on his right arm and he is STILL just as rowdy and restless if not more. At his appt, he was doing flips and forward rolls all through the waiting area with his splint on. It was a riot. Everyone in that waiting room knew his name. The receptionist said she wanted to go home with me just to see what my day was like. LOL. What a day! A day later, the Geek Squad came out to work on my range. After about an hour or fiddling with it, he told me the wiring was defective. He offered to order parts but I told him I wanted a new stove. So, I went to the store and now it is on special order as well. Hopefully I'll have my appliances in and working by August!!! I'll post pics of our new home and Ethan's arm soon!! I'm new at this blogging thing so bear with as I figure this out. :) Thanks.