Friday, November 14, 2008

Home Sweet Home

There is nothing like be welcomed back home by your children after a short getaway. Ethan decided to welcome me home with crayon all over the coffee table, kitchen table and television and armoire. I tell you, some things just never change. Last night I was just a little stressed and I decided to look up Supernanny online. I printed their 12 page application and started to fill in the blanks. As I was filling it out and answering questions, I began to think to myself, geesh, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the bad parent. As I started to describe how Ethan behaves at the grocery store, I realized, it's not me. Ethan is just a different being all on his own. Matt even became concerned with his tantrums and did a little research at the University of Google. Matt's diagnosis is that Ethan is fine...he's a very intelligent child who can not express himself. Hmmm. I think I'll ask the doctor in February at his appointment. If anything, maybe his doctor can hook me up with some vicodin. On Wednesday, the kids had their first dentist appointment here in the new area. I was amazed while making the appointment that they said they would bring all three kids back at the same time. We got there and while I was filling out paperwork, I hear the receptionist ask the kids to be a little quieter. Hmm, I thought they were okay. I continue on with the paperwork when the dentist opens the door to the waiting room and asks us to come on back because she thought they were getting a little restless in the waiting room. In other words, they were really loud! Katheryn is the first in the chair and all is well. She has a loose tooth. Next it's Ethan. He was ready to go and hopped right into the chair. He's great too, no cavities! Then Brian realizes that he is to be next so he runs the other direction screaming, "let me free!!" over and over. I grab him and take him over to the chair trying to soothe him. I told the dentist it may be easier if I just held him and leaned him back. So we did and he began to relax a bit. No cavities for Brian either!! yay! Now mind you, while I am holding Brian, Ethan is running all around to the different stations and checking things out. On our way back to check out, the dentist shows the kids the treasure box. Great! The treasure box sits behind the receptionist in their office. It's an open office and the kids are going nuts looking to see what they can find. It seemed like they were in it for 15 minutes while I was trying to schedule their next appointments. Then all of a sudden, a little bouncy ball comes our way and hits the receptionist in the back of the head. Oops! Katheryn and Brian say, "Ethan did it!" I was so embarrassed and furious. I counted to 5 to get them out of the box. They moved away and I sent them to the waiting room when Katheryn comes back in to dig through the box. I shooed her out and finished scheduling the appointments. I told her to stagger them if she needed to so I wouldn't need to bring them all back in at the same time. After she scheduled the appointments, it occured to me that Matt would probably have some time off for the holidays and I asked her if I could reschedule the appointments so all the kids could come in together when I knew what his days off would be and she just looked at me. So I took that as a no and gathered the kids and left. I am sure she was happy to see us leave. Boy though, what a week it has been trying to catch up on everything. I have lost my digital camera...I can not find it anywhere. I would love to post pictures up here from our Halloween and some family fall pics we took in front of our house. Once I find the camera I will be sure to post the pics. I've been looking for three days now and still no luck. :(

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