Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A couple weeks ago, dad went to the hospital for chest pain. They gave him some nitroglycerin and it took care of the pain. They ran an EKG and a stress test as well but couldn't find anything wrong. At first they thought he had another stroke but these tests ruled that out. Yesterday he had a cardiac catherter done. I was a bit worried because the hospital he had gone to didn't have bypass back-up. If something were to go wrong, they said they would medivac him to Hershey. Not the right answer in my book but my dad went ahead with the procedure. I took Ethan to the cath lab with me to see my dad before he was taken to the table. Ethan wasn't sure about what was going on. I think it scared him a little to see my dad in a hospital bed. After a few minutes, we left the room as dad was taken to the table. We waited in the waiting area with my mom for about an hour before they called us back to see dad. He seemed to be ok. The doctor then sat with my mom and I and showed us on the computer what they had done. It was really neat to see. It was a video image of my dad's heart. He had three blockages. Two in front and one on the side with over 70% blockage. He received 2 stents and will need to have a third stent in the next few weeks. They couldn't do them all at once because of the dye. It's dangerous to have all that dye filter through his kidneys. Trying to explain what happened to pop-pop to Ethan was a little difficult. He was worried and asked if pop-pop would be okay. I told him that pop-pop had a couple of balloons placed in his heart to open up his arteries. He thought it was silly to put balloons in the arteries. He then asked me if I remembered when the doctors made him pee in a cup and how that was yucky. LOL! We recently had his physical for him to start Kindergarten in the fall. Due to the stents being placed, dad had to stay overnight. He should be going home today.

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