Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nursemaid's Elbow

Ahhh, what would my day be like without an adventurous Ethan? I wonder? lol. Yesterday morning, Brian's school went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch and because Brian goes in the afternoons, I had to take him in at 8am. That's pretty early for him since he enjoys sleeping in. As soon as he heard me say pumpkin patch though, he was up and ready to go. Ethan ofcourse is always up early. I think the latest he has ever slept in is 7am. I toasted them some waffles and got them dressed. In the process of pulling Ethan's arm through his jacket sleeve, I heard a light pop sound. I figured it was just his bone cracking like our knees sometimes do as we walk up the stairs. We dropped Brian off at school and then went grocery shopping. I have changed Brian's diet to a gluten free casein free diet to try to help with his autism. There is so much to know. These new products we are buying are very mind boggling at the moment. Who knew there are so many types of flours you need just to make chocolate chip cookies. Even the chocolate chips have to be gfcf. This is by no means an inexpensive diet either especially when he will not eat meat or veggies. Hopefully though with time this will change. Anyways, Ethan and I continued on shopping and when I went to put him in his car seat, he winced in pain. I asked him if he had an owie and he said yes but didn't tell me where. I thought maybe I caught him in the buckle of the seat or something. So we drove on and we stopped at a sewing/fabric store. I needed a new power cord for my sewing machine since somehow it has disappeared between N.C. and here. We got home and I went to take Ethan jacket off and he was very protective of his left arm. Then I noticed he wasn't using it at all and did everything with his right. Time was ticking and I needed to get Brian from school. So as we were in the car line waiting for Brian, I turned and asked Ethan if he was owie. He said yes and I asked him to show me and in his little voice he says, "right here mommy, right here" as he touches his left hand. On the way home, we stopped to pick up some pumpkins and again, Ethan only picked the little pumpkins up with his right hand. We got home and I called the doctor's office. Thankfully they had two available appts that day. 1:20 and 3:10. It was now 12:30 and I decided to go to the 3:10 because I had to make sure I was here when Katheryn came home from school. We got to the dr's office and I think my children raised the volume to max in there. Brian and Ethan were screaming at each other while I was trying to fill out the new patient paperwork and Katheryn was screaming at them trying to do her best to help me with them. I know when Ethan's name was called, everyone in the waiting room was relieved. Well, the doctor comes in, plays around with Ethan a little bit and at the same time pops his radius back into the socket. It turns out when I was pulling his arm through the jacket, the head of his radius popped out of the socket. Great! I felt like a horrible mommy until the doctor told me he had done the same thing to his daughter and hers lasted for 24 hours because he couldn't get it back in and they ended up in the ER. So knowing that I am not the only one to do this made me feel a little better. I just feel that Ethan is so fragile now. I need to give him more calcium I guess. The appointment was at 3:10 and we were in the car driving home by 3:25. I really like the office there. We then went to dance class for Brian and for Katheryn and once home, we waited for Matt so that we could decorate pumpkins. Brian really wanted to decorate them and would not do anything until they were decorated. He was very excited to see daddy walk through the door at 8pm. Yes, I said 8pm. That is when Matt makes it home some nights...okay, most nights. lol. Anyways, that was our adventure yesterday. Later this morning Brian has an appt. and hopefully we can get him in to some speech and OT as well as a possible DAN! doctor. (Defeat Autism Now!) There is one in Frederick so hopefully the waiting list is short.

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