Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wonderful day turned sour

Just when I thought all was going well. I was having a great happy go lucky day and as soon as I commented on my facebook about what a great day I was having, chaos broke loose. Katheryn was so helpful today after school. She was picking up toys that the boys had left lying around and I thought to myself that I needed to take her out more often. I had taken her to see Hannah Montanna over the weekend and we did some shopping at the mall and had lunch at Panera Bread. Last night she even cleaned her room. For sure I thought she was just being helpful. When the chaos broke loose, Brian started screaming that he needed Katheryn to help him in the basement and when she didn't go to him, he screamed some more and Katheryn yelled back. Then Katheryn started hiding from Ethan because he too wanted to be with her. Katheryn was a little exhausted from it all and finally found me. I told her thank you for helping me by picking up the toys and then she said, "You're welcome, can I have a dollar?" I looked at her with my mommy eyes and she continued to say, "I picked up the basement." My happy day went sour all in an instant. The screaming from Brian, the loudness of Ethan and then Katheryn asking me for money. She unfortunately got the brunt of my anger. I shared with her how upset I was that she would ask me for money after the great weekend we had. So I told her I would give her a dollar if she would give me a dollar for each load of laundry of hers that I did, for every meal I cooked, for every time I took her to dance class, for every time she needed clothes, for every time she needed a permission slip signed for a field trip, etc. I think she got the message that she is part of our family and needs to keep some order about her and do what she can to contribute. I'm sure all parents have this conversation with their children. Unfortunately, I'm sure all children quickly forget this conversation immediately following as I know I have. I can't recall it now looking back. :) Well, it's time for me to earn a dollar. Katheryn and Brian both have dance class and we need to head out the door in 5.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Matt's Promotion

Matt's cake
Matt's promotion ceremony from CPT to MAJ was held this past Friday, April 3rd at Ft. Myer. It was a lot of work prepping for it. I know Matt had said he would do all the arrangements since I was busy with school and wouldn't have much time to deal with it. When I asked him on Monday what he had planned, his answer was, "I'm thinking about getting 6' subs from Subway." So, that's when I took over. I told him to make arrangements for the location and I would get the rest. :) So Tuesday, Ethan and I did a lot of running around from place to place ordering platters, cakes and balloons as well as squeezing in a haircut for me. Yes, Ethan was wonderful as he waited for me to have my haircut. I couldn't believe how well behaved he was. It did help that I had bought him a new pull back bus that he could play with and some lifesavers. :)
Matt saying a few words
It was a short and sweet ceremony. The kids had a lot of fun running around the ballroom and playing in the rec center. When Matt's CPT patch came off, I punched on his MAJ one and each of the kids threw a nice punch on it too. Ethan then took the CPT bars and kept placing it on his chest. It was quite cute watching him parade around with them on his chest. My dad then removed his CPT bars from his berret and added the oak leaf cluster to it.
Icing faced kids and I Katheryn and Brian goofing off with the camera