Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Day of Clinicals

Thursday was orientation at the hospital. I was excited to be going away from the school for learning but not looking forward to the long day of 8-4. We got a tour of the unit we would be working on and a quick class on the computer system and our badges. It turns out that my adjucnt didn't quite give us the tour we needed or the information we needed to start on Friday. Friday morning, clinicals start at 6:30am. Luckily I have friends here in the neighborhood and we decided to carpool. However, we are each on a different floor/unit. I am on the rehabilitation floor. I am thankful it's not trauma! I got my nurses' report at 7am about my patient and reported back to my adjunct with notes. My patient is a 72 year old female with R-CVA. I went to introduce myself and take her vital signs only realizing that there wasn't a blood pressure cuff in the room. I excused myself and came back with a machine. After I took her blood pressure, I noticed her RN was in the room waiting to take her assessment. So I stepped aside to allow her to take her assessment as I watched. I was very thankful because I really didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. I observed the nurse take her assessment and then it allowed me to fill in the gaps of what I needed for my report. My patient probably thought I was a nuissance but I was able to get everything done that I needed to. Phew! The hardest part of this whole experience was just getting in there and doing it. We didn't go over head to toe assessments in class other than just lecture. We didn't actually have to do one and get checked off so I wasn't quite sure what I was doing when I got in there. I felt like we were fed to a pack of wolves. However, I survived but I am now wondering what the heck I am doing in nursing. I'm not sure that this is something for me. I won't quit since I've started but it's going to be one rough road. I feel as though I am playing catch up all the time and that the kids may be suffering from my time away from them. Ethan spent the night with my parent's Wed and Thursday and when I went to pick him up, he told me to go away and that he didn't love me anymore. It broke my heart. At least he was able to change his tune before I left and said that he loved me forever and always. :) After clinicals, tensions and emotions were running high. Most of us had to report back to the school to get our sterile techniques checked off and donning sterile gloves. I hadn't slept the night before because I was busy preparing my prep card for clinicals. We get to the school and start to work. Everyone is just chaotic and confused. Overwhelmed. We all needed to relax somehow but it was just too much for one day. I made it home, went to my parents to pick up Ethan. I sat on their couch and about 30 minutes later I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 9pm. Yikes. I made it home and immediately went to bed. I slept in until 12:30pm!!! I so needed it. Now I am studying for my quiz on Monday and exam on Tuesday. I'm no where near ready. This is soooo much!!! I would love for the semester to be over with already. Red Bull has become my friend.

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