Friday, March 19, 2010

Week for the Medical Experts

What a week we had here. Sunday evening our washer started to leak water from the bottom while Matt was washing his PT's. Then Monday evening, Brian wasn't feeling well at all. He had fallen asleep on the couch right after school and slept until 5pm but seemed to be back to himself on Tuesday. When he got home, he had started a cough. I thought maybe the change of weather was getting to him with the flowers beginning to bloom. Wednesday I received a call from the school nurse as I was sitting down to prepare for class. She wanted to know if Brian had any cough medicine before coming to school because he was coughing up a storm and was distracting himself. I went to the school after class at 12:30 and administered another dose of cough syrup and gave Brian the option of going home with me or staying in school. He seemed fine other than the persistant cough and he chose to stay at school. Later while at Katheryn's dance class, Brian was buzzing around and then suddenly he just stopped. He didn't seem well at all and I was getting worried. I had clinicals the next day and if I miss class, it counts against me. Once we arrived home, Brian's skin temp had gotten really warm. I took his temp, 102.5. I gave him some Ibuprofen and lots of hugs. I had then received an email stating clinicals were cancelled so this brought much relief. Matt then tells me that he thinks he broke his ankle. Great! He was limping around the house and before bed soaked it in some epsom salt. I was able to schedule Brian an appointment for the next day. Thursday I let him sleep in and when he woke up at 7:30 he came downstairs dressed and ready for school. Hmmmm. I almost took him to school but decided to let him stay home. We went to his appointment and the doctor said he was the third kid now in a row with the same symptoms. He said he was ok as long as his fever didn't come back. Thankfully it hasn't been back. So this leaves us to today. I had clinicals this morning and my friend picked me up at 5:30am. My patient was ready to go so I really didn't have much to do. I was finished with everything by 8:05 and we are there until 12. I had a lot of time on my hands that I needed to fill. Thankfully the adjunct let us finish at 10:30 and were out of there at 11am. I went to the lobby to wait for my friend. She finally came at 12:15 from her floor and looked like a train had hit her. She said they were so busy. We leave and are headed to school so we can test off our skill of hanging IV bags. We are both extremely tired when we get there and I volunteered to go first. She starts recording me and my cell phone rings. Great. We stopped the tape and because I didn't recognize the number, I chose the ignore option so I could continue with the testing. As I start back up again, my voicemail music starts to alert me that I received a voicemail. Again, we stop the session and I check it. It's the YMCA calling to let me know that they think Ethan has nursemaids' elbow. Lovely! I can't get an appointment and I'm in the middle of a skills test. I finished the skills test and am flustered. I hope I passed it but I'm sure I made some mistakes. The hard part was that I couldn't just leave because I didn't drive. I had to wait on my friend to test out too. So she begins and keeps having to restart because all she can think about is getting me home. Finally we make it out of there. As we're going down the road, I put on my sunglasses and I find it to be blurry on one side. I kept wiping it with my finger trying to rid the blur but it wouldn't go away. My friend and I continue talking and at one point I turn to look at her while she is talking and she starts to laugh out loud. I asked her if she saw what was blurry on my sunglasses and through heavy laughter, she says, "you just need to look in the mirror." She was in tears laughing and I pull my sunglasses off and gosh darn it....the lens on the left side is missing. No wonder that side was so clear! We both are laughing hysterically and I had my camera with me so I snapped a shot of us. We so needed to laugh. aaaahhhh. The minute I got home, I let Cody out for 2 minutes...poor guy....and the kids were walking around the corner when I left to get them from the bus stop. We get Ethan from the Y and head over to the ER. Ethan puts on a show for the lady checking us in and puts on his puppy dog eyes and whimpers, "can you help me? I have an owie." Pathetic and yet so cute. We go into the room and a nurse comes in. He says, "hi doctor! Can you help me?" She tells him she's a nurse and she checks out his arm. She goes to order an x-ray of his wrist. Then the PA comes in. He takes Ethan's arm and moves it just so and it pops back into place. He told Ethan to move it and he didn't believe that he fixed it. So the PA moved it for him and when Ethan realized it was better, he told the PA, "you can come to my home, it's clean!" The PA asked what was for dinner and Ethan told him pot roast. Then as we were leaving, he invited the ER volunteer, RN and receptionist to dinner at our house at 5pm. LOL! Thankfully no one took him up on his offer. :D I'm so thankful to be home now.

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