Monday, May 17, 2010

Graduation May 15, 2010

In December, my dad had a "mini-stroke" that hospitalized him over Christmas. I had just finished up my semester a few weeks prior and completed the credits needed to receive an Associates degree in General Studies. Although I am proud of my accomplishment, the degree in General Studies doesn't really hold much meaning for me. The degree completion was done for my parents. I received my diploma in the mail the day before Christmas eve and I decided to make a copy and frame it. I wrapped it up with bows and decorations and took it with me to the hospital Christmas Eve when I went to visit my dad. My mom was there visiting too. I gave my dad the gift and he gave it to my mom to open. Once she opened it, she started to tear up and my dad was wondering what it was to make her tear up. She handed it to him and his eyes began to swell with tears as well. I told them, "Merry Christmas. Now you have 2 college graduates." That piece of paper meant the world to them and although it didn't have much meaning for me, I was glad to see how happy it they were because of it. So, to fast forward to the present, this past Saturday, May 15th, was graduation day. I did not want to walk at graduation but my parents really wanted to see the ceremony to make the diploma come to life I guess. So, I signed up to graduate. My parents and family found me in line before the procession and I took a picture with Matt and the kids before they went to find seats. After the ceremony I looked and looked for them and eventually found Matt and the kids outside waiting. I guess my parents had to leave in order to open up the flea market. I didn't get a picture with them but it's ok. The next diploma will mean more to me -- my anticipated graduation date from Nursing is December May 2012 I will be walking again only this time, I will be doing the walk for me.

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