Monday, June 7, 2010

Torn mommy

It's amazing how you can plan your day at a drop, it can be changed again. A busy day was planned today starting with Katheryn's 5th grade graduation ceremony at 9:30am and then a trip to the dentist for Ethan at noon. It was a normal morning, the kids were awake and getting ready for school. I had just put Brian's waffles and milk on the table. He drank his milk and soon after he threw up. Wonderful! I thought that maybe he just had a little too much to eat for dinner last night and it was all catching up to him this morning. I sent him out the door with Kahteryn to the bus stop and about 3 minutes later, they were back. Apparently, Brian threw up at the bus stop. OK! So, he doesn't have a temperature so I put him to bed. After about an hour, he came downstairs and was playing with Ethan and running around. Hmm. OK, so he feels better. It was time to leave for Katheryn's ceremony so I told Brian I would sign him into school and he says, "mommy, I think I'm going to throw up again." I didn't believe him. I thought he was trying to keep from going to school because he really didn't look sick at all or feel warm. I told him he had to go with me and that I wouldn't sign him in. He could sit and stay with me. We all get into the van and head to the school. Upon entering the building, we see the cafteria filled with parents and grandparents. We find three seats together and sit down. Ethan complained of not being able to see the stage and the lady behind us chimed in told Ethan she was bigger than him and couldn't see either to help Ethan feel better. At that moment, we here this sound like someone had taken a glass of water and dumped it onto the floor. Well, unfortunately for me, it wasn't a glass of water, it was Brian throwing up. Great! I immediately jumped up a teacher happened to be walking past when I stopped her to let her know. She left to get a janitor while I rushed Brian to the bathroom. I saw Katheryn's teacher in the hallway outside the bathroom to let her know I wasn't able to stay and I then noticed her class was lined up in the hallway. I went to Katheryn and gave her my camera so she could take pictures and share her day with us later when she got home. I then came home with the boys and Brian is now in bed. I told him he was not allowed to get out of bed unless he needed to use the bathroom. So once I got home, I called the dentist to reschedule Ethan's appointment. So what was a busy day for me today is now a day to stay at home. I feel horrible for trying to get Brian to go to school and I feel sad that I won't be able to see Katheryn's ceremony where she gets to say goodbye to elementary school. It's hard but I know that I can't control it all and there will be many more graduations to come. I just hope Brian feels better soon.

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