Monday, August 4, 2008

Slowly Learning

Okay, so I'm trying to figure out this blogging stuff. It's a new concept for me but something I am willing to try and keep up so that our family and friends can keep up with our family. So, please forgive me if it's not that great...hopefully the more I work with it, the better it will turn out. Especially in the picture dept. I can't quite figure out yet how to add pictures but I'm getting there. I just got a replacement USB cable in the mail for my camera today so I thought I would try and post some pics on here.
4th of July...we're all huddled underneath a tarp
trying to stay dry. It really stormed but we got
to see some great fireworks!
This is the "mom's" hip-hop dance group.
We performed to a mix of songs to include
"Soulja Boy" for the '07/'08
dance recital.

Looks like I'm doing pretty good, but there has to be an easier way! LOL. Anyways, on with the blogging, our weekend was pretty good. We didn't have a list of things to do which seems to be the theme of our weekends lately. It was nice just to go with the flow. Matt took the kids to the library and park nearby and then out to lunch while I was able to take time to be with myself and shop. It was a much needed break. We then visited my parents at their flea market and spent the evening at home. Sunday was just as nice. We decided to go to the church by our home since the one we went to the week before just didn't seem to fit us. As soon as we walked in the doors, it was like we were back in Germany at a church we attended there. It was deja vu! We really enjoyed the church and the service. Katheryn asked us if we could continue to go to this church...she's never done that before. So, we signed the kids up for Vacation Bible School and their first day was today. Well, Katheryn and Brian anyways. They both seemed to really enjoy it. I know I did. While they were at VBS, Ethan and I went to the Y and I was able to get a decent workout in. I think tomorrow I will venture out and get the van registered and get Katheryn's and Brian's social security cards replaced. I have no idea where they are and Brian needs his to go in with his school packet.

We found out today who Katheryn's 4th grade teacher will be and Brian was accepted into pre-k at a school nearby. Pre-K is only part day here rather than full day like it was in NC but that's okay. That's just more time I will have with him to help him get potty trained. It's been a long uphill road. Well, that's it for now. I've spent too much time already on here trying to figure this out. I will keep on blogging though....I just hope it gets better. LOL.

1 comment:

Alex and Megan said...

What!? No Paula Abdul routine? :)