Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, I know it's been forever since I've been on here. I definately need to put pics up for the kid's bdays. October is nearly over and it seems like last week when Brian turned 5. On his bday, nana and pop-pop came to visit. There was so much going on that day with the kids that we ordered dinner in...Chinese. Afterwards, we had some cake and ice cream with nana and pop pop G as well as with mommy mom and pop pop J.

Happy Birthday Brian!

Brian and Nana
Make a wish!
On Saturday both Katheryn and Brian celebrated their bday's at a local go-kart/game center. Brian's friend Ethan came and Katheryn's friends Megan and Crissy came. The cake was a combo Hello Kitty/Army theme. Really cute! The kids had a blast racing in the junior go-karts and the bumper boats. They really enjoyed the water wars where they launched water balloons at each other. Brian had fun racing with pop pop G on the big go-karts....you can hardly see his head over the steering wheel.

Hello Kitty and Army Birthday cake

Brian, Ethan, Katheryn and Crissy
Pop-pop G and Brian on the go-kart 8 track
Also while Matt's parents were here, we finally finished our patio!!! yay! Matt, his dad and I worked on the patio in-between going to the bday party and Chuck-E-Cheese. Now that the weather has turned cold though, we've only been able to enjoy it for a day. Spring is just around the corner though...lol.
Matt's dad placing the last paver in
We just celebrated Katheryn's 9th bday this past Saturday. It was a very cold and ugly day and we didn't do too much. We decorated the house porch with spider webs, spiders and ghosts with Brian directing us as to how to decorate. We weren't allowed to stop until he said we were finished. Mind you, it was windy, cold and raining. Brian went to a bday party at Chuck-E-Cheese for his friend Ethan with daddy and Katheryn and I went to the mall. Her bday money was burning a hole in her pocket. She ended up spending it at Limited Too. She loves that store. I just hope that one day she will gain some money sense and learn to shop for bargains. Why pay full price when it'll be on sale later. I should have taken a pic of her in her outfit that she bought...it was hillarious. Well, it's time to take Brian to dance class...yes, Brian LOVES to dance. The dance studio Katheryn attends offers free dance classes for children with special needs. He is one of the more advanced and I was going to just enroll him in a normal class but he really likes going so I guess he'll stay in this class. Maybe next year we'll get him into a sport. Anyways, I better get going. I will add pics as soon as I can.

1 comment:

The Gillespie Family said...

Oops, look, I've already blogged about their bday at the Family rec center. Oh well. LOL.