Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ethan finds the red!

Oh Ethan, my wonderful youngest son, Ethan. With having my first exam for my microbiology class tomorrow, most of my day has been spent at the computer and in my notes making up my own test questions. I would really love to do well on this exam. As I went to take a study break, I found Ethan at the kitchen table being artistic. He had some paper and scissors which was a big concern for me and then I saw his head. He was covered with some kind of gooey stuff that I at first thought was paint. Upon further examination, I came to the conclusion that it was lipstick...possibly belonging to Katheryn. At this time, Katheryn and Brian walked in the front door, home from school. I asked Katheryn if she had lipstick in her room and she shook her head and seemed a bit confused. I asked her to take a look around the house to see if she could see what it may have been that Ethan used. Well, she found Brian's iDog and it had been made over. She then found my purse was dumped. Aha! He took my lipgloss compact from my purse!!!! When I asked him if I could wipe it off, he said no and that he liked it. *sigh*

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