Friday, September 25, 2009

Katheryn and I had "the talk"

So many things have been going on that I finally stopped to take a moment to catch up. I wish I could do this as things happen but I get so caught up with our daily activities that blogging seems to have taken a back seat. So, here's a memorable moment that I've been wanting to post. This happened in the summer about a month before school started. Katheryn is now in 5th grade and this is the year where the school seperates the boys from the girls and they introduce to them their anatomy and physiology. So to prepare Katheryn, I decided that I would talk to her so that the information she hears at school will not be so shocking and so that she can hear it with a sound mind. To start our conversation off, I asked Katheryn to join me in the dining room. She sat down with a look of, "uh-oh, am I in trouble?" I then asked her if she has noticed any changes going on with her body and immediately she takes her hands and thumps at her chest and says, "yeah, these!" I chuckled and we talked about it. I explained to her the importance of wearing a bra everyday to school and proceeded to tell her about puberty. I told her she was going to grow hair in her armpits and genatalia area and she asked me what her genatalia area was. I explained that to her and she responds back with, "oh, I just call that area a piece of fruit like kiwi or strawberry." I was dying inside with laughter but I had to keep a straight face. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable talking to me. I then proceeded on to the menstrual cycle. I think I lost her here. I explained to her that every baby girl is born with tons and tons of eggs. At that moment, she blurts, "what?! I have eggs?!?" I then went on about menstruation and how the egg is released and where it settles and if it's not fertilized then the lining sheds causing blood. Well by this point she looked totally confused. I asked her to tell me what she knew about sex. Thankfully she didn't know too much other than it involved kissing. I could be naive and she may now more than she is letting on but I honestly think she is clueless. So I then grabbed some pictures to show her. Suddenly, she stops, waves her hands towards her face and says, "mom, it's hot in here, can you turn on the air or something?" My toes were freezing! It was no where near hot in our house and I wanted to bust out loud with laughter but I contained it. It was hard. So we continued with our conversation and talked about the fertilizing of the egg and what happens when the egg is fertilized. We talked about abstinence. Katheryn during this part of the conversation had her head buried in her hands and screeched out, "mom, why are you telling me this?!" LOL! "Mom, it's so hot, I'm hot!" The next part of the conversation went like this with her saying, "I think living a solitary life with animals will be just fine for me!" "Katheryn, what will you do when boys start taking interest in you and want to hold your hand or something?" "Well, I will punch them out or I will tell dad to." Again, I am just dying with laughter inside. She then asks me if she will die from the bleeding. I explained to her that it was a sign of her becoming a woman and she then said that she doesn't want anything to with becoming a woman and she wants to stay a kid forever. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. Then she asked me what boys get to go through and there wasn't really a whole lot compared to a girl. I don't think she liked that. I then of course immediately had to run upstairs and call Matt. I could not help but just laugh out loud for the next 5 minutes with him on the phone and I told him what had just happened. Our little girl is growing up and she just doesn't want to. :)

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