Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Doctor visit

What a joyful day it has been and it is still not over. It's only 4:30 but wow, it just never stops. Although, I did laugh myself to tears with Katheryn today. I know it's not funny from her persepctive but I just could not help but laugh. We finally had doctor appointments for the family so that we can get on board here in Maryland and today was Katheryn's appt and mine. Ethan fell asleep on the way there so it was quite nice to not have to chase him around the office while I filled out new patient paperwork. We get to the room and are with the nurse. She takes Katheryn's temp, blood pressure, etc. and asked Katheryn if she could pee. Katheryn just looked at her like she was crazy. Then the nurse asked her if she could pee in a cup and Katheryn had to question her and ask "why do I need to pee in a cup?" It was pretty funny but that's not the best part. It's coming. So, she goes and does her thing and we wait again. While we are waiting, Ethan wakes up and starts to fart. He looks at me and says as proud as he can..."poopy!" I told him no, you just farted, you say excuse me. Well, he does it again only this time it's several in a row and he laughs. He then stands up and says, "poopy!" As he's standing, I noticed that he seems to be concentrating so I asked him, "are you going poopy?" He says, "yep." I wait and he's still there and I ask him again. "Are you still going poopy?" Again, he says, "yep." Great! I thought that since he was asleep, I wouldn't need to bring his diaper bag in..he'll sleep through the appointment. Boy was I wrong. So the doctor comes in and we find out that Katheryn needs to have one more chicken pox shot. She is not happy. She gets dressed while I step out to grab Ethan's bag. The nurse then comes in and Katheryn starts to freak out. I have never seen her so scared. The nurse rubs the alcohol swab on her arm and she screams and says it hurts. Wow! Then the doctor and I try to calm Katheryn while the nurse proceeds to give her the shot. Katheryn jerked away screaming! Tears were streaming. I could not believe she was so afraid. Finally we had to lay her down so the nurse could give her the shot. I had just done this two days before with Brian and Ethan. Brian got 4 shots and Ethan got 2. They didn't flinch so it was a little funny to see Katheryn, an 8 year old, react this way. She was happy though with the lollipop afterwards. lol. Okay, so, we get home. We're hanging out and getting ready to take Katheryn to dance in a bit. I changed Brian's diaper and went to run it outside. Ethan was in the living room. I get back in to the house only about 30 seconds later and I find Ethan with a dish soap tab for the dishwasher. *sigh* He took a bite out of it through the plastic and spit the crumbs out. The moment I saw what he had, he threw up. How much more wonderful can this day get? I have a few hours left so who knows. It just seems that this is not ending. I plan to start with potty training Ethan tomorrow so I know my week can only get better! ha!

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