Monday, December 29, 2008
Uh-oh, here we go!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's Christmas! Santa was here!
Brian and Ethan playing with their new train table
We eventually got to unwrapping gifts. My dad came by to enjoy the excitement of the kids. I tried to have the kids open gifts one at a time but when you have three kids and they know that they have presents under the tree, the paper started to fly! Ethan was opening presents whether or not they were for him. The kids were so excited. Brian was thrilled to have received "The Polar Express" train set to go with his train table. He loves the movie and the train set came with a bell just like in the movie. Brian came to me shaking it very excitedly near his ear and kept saying "I believe, I believe!"
Brian opening his train gift from Aunt Monica and Uncle George
A few days before I told Matt that I had better not receive any workout equipment from him or else he would be in the dog house. He joked and said he had better go back to Dick's Sporting Goods then to make a return. So here we are Christmas morning and I start to unwrap his gifts. The first gift was a jumprope and some workout DVD to go with it. Hmmm. I gave him a look. Then he tells me to open the second gift. I do so reluctantly and inside are "perfect push-up" things. Great. I look at him again. By this point he's laughing. Then he hands me the third gift which is pretty weighted and from the way it's wrapped I could tell that it's a medicine ball. I refused to open it and I told him it was going back...all of it was going back to the store. He laughs again and we open the ball up. Matt then proceeds to pull the ball out of the box so that we can't take it back to the store. He plays with the push-up things too. I told him he went shopping for himself and he tells me that he went shopping for both of us. Hmmm. Then he hands me one last box and says that it's clothes for the gym. This gift I wouldn't mind since I do need some new things for the gym. I begin to open it and to my surprise it's a Kate Spade handbag. I don't know how much I had hinted that I would like a Kate Spade bag. :) My only complaint about the bag was that the handles were a little short. Since I knew what Matt was getting me for Christmas, sort of, I had rebuttled and couldn't resist picking up a bottle of Dog House chardonay to give to him. It was quite funny. We went back to the outlets a few days later and I exchanged the bag for one that was a little more sleek. I LOVE it!! Matt is so funny and wonderful. I'm really blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life.
Dinner was at my mom's. We got there about 2:30pm and were seated at her dining room table. She had made so much. Turkey, ham, mac-n-cheese, collards, green bean casserole, dressing, carrots, corn, potatoes (3 kinds), biscuits and cranberry sauce. I'm sure I'm missing something. For dessert, I had made pumpkin pies and also one that Brian could eat. My mom had made a chocolate peanut butter cake and banana pudding. She brought the desserts out and sat the cake in front of Ethan. He thought it was for him so he decided to take a few bites. (he had a little egging on though.) After cleaning up, we went through the unwrapping of presents again. The kids had paper everywhere. It was so much fun. The boys got a hotwheels race track which they immediately set up and started to play with.Christmas dinner
My mom and dad
Jenn and Freddie (my brother and his girlfriend)
Ethan digging in to cake!
We left my parent's around 6:30pm, just in time to make it to the theatre to see "Marley &Me." It was a really sweet heart touching story about the love a dog can bring to a family no matter how unruly. Kind of reminds me of Ethan now that I think about it. :) About 20 minutes into the movie, Ethan had become restless and Matt took him out for a stroller ride to calm him down a bit. When he came back in with him, Ethan was still restless so Matt decided to take him home. Thankfully we drove three cars to the theatre so there was room for everyone to get home. We made it home by 10:30pm and I think everyone was so tired...except for Katheryn and Brian. They immediately turned on the playstation and were disappointed when I told them to go to bed. It was a really fun day to spend with each other.Christmas Eve
Brian, Katheryn and Ethan decorating cookies for Santa
Katheryn showcasing her handywork
My parents came over on Christmas eve to witness our tradition of letting the kids out onto the lawn to sprinkle "reindeer food" for Santa's reindeer and Katheryn's reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas." We bundled the kids up and headed outdoors. Katheryn went next door to see if our new neighbors' daughter would like to join us and when we all got outside, Matt, Katheryn and Ethan had disappeared into the neighbors' home. We waited and waited in the chilly wind for what seemed like 30 minutes. Matt's parents went back inside to wait. The cold MD air was not what they were used to. Finally Matt reappears with the kids and off they went all over the yard to sprinkle their reindeer food. They had a blast.Ethan and Brian sprinkling reindeer food
Ethan trying to figure out the perfect place to sprinkle his reindeer food
Once back inside the warmth of our home, Katheryn set up her bench and began to read "Twas the Night Before Christmas." She seemed a little annoyed at having to read this story...she feels that she is getting too old to have to read this every year. Once her story is read, we start a movie, "The Polar Express" however this year we decided to change things up a bit and we played the ever so classic, "A Christmas Story." About half way through the movie, we sent the kids to bed since they were having trouble keeping their eyes open and then Matt and I went to work. We had a train table to put together and many more presents to wrap and display.Katheryn reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" in her pj's
While Matt cleaned up the basement play area, I was upstairs putting together a huge train set and a basketball hoop. I tested out the train set and didn't realize that it would toot so loud. Matt came upstairs to let me know that if we wanted to keep the kids asleep in bed that turning on the train was not a great idea. oops. Once we wrapped up the remainder of the gifts we decided to tackle the train table. After pulling out the pieces, we got to step 2 and for some reason, the holes did not line up. We were baffled and it's midnight. After sitting there with the directions in hand, Matt finally figured out that step 2 didn't really matter and that it was just illustrating what it would line up like. hmm. Anyways, we made it over that hurdle and 2.5 hours later the table was set. We then went to bed.Saturday, December 27, 2008
Brian's diagnosis
Hmmm...where to begin....
Brian (with his painted red Rudolph nose) putting together the gingerbread house
Almost finished
Ethan constantly keeps me entertained while Katheryn and Brian are at school. He discovered that if he licks a lollipop, it'll stick wherever he places it...especially on his skin. I thought it was so funny that I took a picture of him. When he realized I thought it was cute, he kept doing it and wanted to stick it on me as well. Yuck!!!
Ethan's new discovery
I have a 3rd eye!
On the 16th we got some snow. Yay! Snow!!! Brian was so excited that we had gotten snow, he thought it was "the night of Christmas!" The kids geared up in their coats and headed outside to play. They were having a great time until Katheryn started throwing snowballs at the boys. Ethan got one down the back of his shirt and his laughter turned into screams. Once the snow melted, Brian was upset because he didn't know how Santa was going to make it to our house to deliver presents.
SNOW! Brian made a snow angel.
Snow much fun!
A few days later, Ethan woke up and decided to make himself some breakfast since I wasn't downstairs just yet. Once I came down, I discovered that his culinary skills may still need quite a bit of work. He took the cereal container filled with cocoa krispies and added water to it. Then he stirred and stirred and placed some on our living room carpet. Lucky me!!!
Ethan's breakfast
Katheryn decided a few weeks ago that she would like to trade in her flute for a saxophone. The case is bigger than she is!! She is actually pretty good at it..a natural. The boys loved watching her play it and Ethan kept sticking his face into the end and would jump everytime she blew into it. It's sooo loud.
Katheryn with her sax
Ethan checking things out
After some rain, a lot of rain, we received a gift of a double rainbow. It was really pretty and it looked like it was falling right into the middle school on the hill. Brian and Ethan were really impressed and insisted that I take a picture of each of them.Brian
Double Rainbow
Lookout! It's Brian with a camera! (silly Pop-pop!)
Brian discovering the mirror
Self picture...tongue out of course!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What a mess!
Brian's room
Hamster food on the floor
Cleaning up
Katheryn helping to clean up
Camera pics
Katheryn w/arms up
Hip hop Diva
Thanksgiving dinner '08
Pumpkin Pie (courtesy of Ethan)
It never least it hasn't yet...where Ethan destroys at least one pie during the holdiay dinner. Last year he threw up on an apple pie.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Just living
Friday, December 5, 2008
Catch up
Coming down the hill
Katheryn sorting the ornaments
Brian hanging an ornament
Katheryn hanging an ornament