Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hmmm...where to begin....

I really don't know where to start since so much has happened with the holidays being here. We've had some wonderful things happen in our family this month. To get the holidays started off, the kids decorated a gingerbread house. It was a little tough to put together with the roof coninually sliding off but we managed. Once it was built, the kids were really anxious to tear it apart. It didn't taste so good. I think this same night, Brian lost his first tooth, the bottom middle. I was worried that he might freak out about it but to my surprise he was really excited and immediately put the tooth under his pillow. The toothfairy has a running tally of not collecting Katheryn's teeth so we had to make sure the toothfairy came this night. Lucky for us, she did. :) Brian had two shiny quarters under his pillow the next morning.

Brian (with his painted red Rudolph nose) putting together the gingerbread house

Almost finished

Ethan constantly keeps me entertained while Katheryn and Brian are at school. He discovered that if he licks a lollipop, it'll stick wherever he places it...especially on his skin. I thought it was so funny that I took a picture of him. When he realized I thought it was cute, he kept doing it and wanted to stick it on me as well. Yuck!!!

Ethan's new discovery

I have a 3rd eye!

On the 16th we got some snow. Yay! Snow!!! Brian was so excited that we had gotten snow, he thought it was "the night of Christmas!" The kids geared up in their coats and headed outside to play. They were having a great time until Katheryn started throwing snowballs at the boys. Ethan got one down the back of his shirt and his laughter turned into screams. Once the snow melted, Brian was upset because he didn't know how Santa was going to make it to our house to deliver presents.

SNOW! Brian made a snow angel.

Snow much fun!

A few days later, Ethan woke up and decided to make himself some breakfast since I wasn't downstairs just yet. Once I came down, I discovered that his culinary skills may still need quite a bit of work. He took the cereal container filled with cocoa krispies and added water to it. Then he stirred and stirred and placed some on our living room carpet. Lucky me!!!

Ethan's breakfast

Katheryn decided a few weeks ago that she would like to trade in her flute for a saxophone. The case is bigger than she is!! She is actually pretty good at it..a natural. The boys loved watching her play it and Ethan kept sticking his face into the end and would jump everytime she blew into it. It's sooo loud.

Katheryn with her sax

Ethan checking things out

After some rain, a lot of rain, we received a gift of a double rainbow. It was really pretty and it looked like it was falling right into the middle school on the hill. Brian and Ethan were really impressed and insisted that I take a picture of each of them.


Ethan Double Rainbow

Brian is becoming our budding photographer. Anytime the camera is out, he wants it so that he can take pictures. No one is safe with him around. I've had to delete MANY pictures but I kept of few of the cute ones. He especially likes to stick his tongue out and take pics.

Lookout! It's Brian with a camera! (silly Pop-pop!)

Brian discovering the mirror

Self picture...tongue out of course!

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