Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Camera pics

Matt brought his camera home since I don't know where mine is and has been letting me use his to take pictures of our family happenings. I just downloaded the pictures and they have been fun to look at. I got this camera for Matt the summer of 2007 and sent it to him to Afghanistan so he could take pics and send them back to us. Well, before I sent him the camera, I took pictures of the kids and their various activities that were going on at that time. I can't believe some of the pictures. The kids are sooo cute. They grow so fast. Here are a few that I couldn't resist putting on here.
Brian and Ethan


Katheryn w/arms up

Hip hop Diva

Ethan and Mommy going to Chicago
Katheryn and Brian going to Chicago Ethan living it up; in Chicago (it was empty!)
I also found some pics of our Thanksgiving. I know I wrote about it but here are some pics of us enjoying the feast. Yum!
Thanksgiving dinner '08

Thanksgiving dinner '08

Pumpkin Pie (courtesy of Ethan)

It never least it hasn't yet...where Ethan destroys at least one pie during the holdiay dinner. Last year he threw up on an apple pie.

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