Friday, February 27, 2009

Brain fried

It's been an exciting week for sure. I received a letter from school stating that I may be eligible to graduate this spring. I was really excited about this one. It would be an associates in general studies but that's's something. Then a couple days later, I received in the mail an invitation from the President of the school inviting me to join Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. I was so tickled to to see that someone other than me recognized my accomplishments. Afer discussing this with Matt, he told me that my GPA would be reflected on my diploma and passed it off as not that big of a deal. So I went to see my academic advisor today to see if I did qualify for graduation this spring and to ask what her thoughts are on joining Phi Theta Kappa. Turns out that I need two more classes for an associates in General Studies. Apparently my computer class from Penn State wasn't tranferrable and neither was my Women's Studies so I will need to take an arts/humanities and a science class. So, I think I may knock those out this summer online. Then I'll be eligible in the fall to graduate. :) At least it is something. She also didn't hesitate and said that I should definitely join Phi Theta Kappa. It'll provide me with more scholarship opportunities and it's just an honor to be part of. So I will be joining that. We went over my pre-nursing goals and I am hoping that I am NOT picked to attend this fall. I applied for this fall but the stress is really working it's way in and I am saddened not to be able to spend more time with the kids because of studying. So, I hoping to be denied...kinda backwards...but this way, I can apply again in the summer for a spring 2010 entrance into the nursing program which by then, I should have an associates in general studies and I can take microbiology in the fall and not this summer. Makes perfect sense to me; I think. lol! So rather than blogging, I should be studying but I just can't seem to find the motivation to study. My mind is truly exhausted. I don't understand the chemistry aspect of what we are doing and therefore, I don't want to open my notes. I know I have to...I just don't want to. I'm brain fried.

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