Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mid-Winter Vacation

The weather is dreary, windy and just plain cold. Snow still lays on the ground from a few days ago. It's the begining of February and our family is looking forward to our mid winter vacation to the Bahamas...courtesy of Matt's parents. His parents generously extended an invitation to the entire family to join them in the Bahamas the second week of February...all tickets paid. Ofcourse we said yes and it was such a generous offer. Who can say no to spending time with family...especially when it's time spent together in the Bahamas. :) With suitcases packed and ready to go, Matt and the kids flew from Dulles to Nassau on Saturday leaving me home alone to catch up and study for my first exam. They called me via webcam and I was able to hear about their exciting adventure of getting there. Matt said the flight attendant kept checking in on him during their flight. She must have thought he needed assistance since he was alone with three children. :) This was for sure to be a busy weekend for me. I had doubled up on lectures in order to get all the material I needed for the first exam. I had 3 tests to complete online as well as a lab test on Monday. The exam was due by Friday but because my flight left early Tuesday morning, I had to take the exam first thing Monday morning. After studying from the time I woke up to about 1:30am each night over the weekend, I was exhausted by Monday morning. I got Cody to the kennel by 8am and was at school by 8:30am ready to take my exam. After 2.5 hours, I was finished. I decided to skip out on my class at 11:30am since I had already heard that lecture the Thursday prior. I went to the science learning center and pulled out my lab notes. I had a lab test at 1pm. I got out of lab at 4pm and went to the store. I got some groceries to take with me and I started packing once I got home. I could not stop cleaning and organizing and never got to bed. I think I slept an hour before I had to get back up and drive to the airport. It was a long but peaceful flight. When I finally got to the Bahamas, it was just nice to be with Matt and the kids again. It was so fun to see the rest of the family. Ethan and Brian both were sun-burnt on their faces. Poor Ethan actually had a small scab formed from where he had a band-aid on his face. The band-aid when taken off had peeled some skin with it leaving a little sore. I heard some great stories about the fun they had at the resort and the zoo. Apparently Brian made some friends and was trying to play with an older girl about Katheryn's age. Brian was playing with his boat in the pool and asked the girl if she would like to float his boat. :) Wish I was there to hear that one. :) Every morning but one, Matt and I woke up early to watch the sun rise over the water. It was so peaceful. The kids enjoyed swimming in the pools...especially the heated one. We enjoyed our time at the Straw Market when we weren't being hounded to buy something. The boys each got a coconut shell made into a turtle that actually walked when you pulled the string. Katheryn got a necklace and I got a knock off pair of sunglasses. We took a boat ride on a glass bottom boat and were able to see a few fish swimming underneath and Brian introduced himself to a couple at the pool who then invited us to go snorkeling. Matt went and really enjoyed himself while I tried to get Ethan to take a nap. The nap didn't happen. We also visited the Pirates of Nassau musuem and took a walk to the Queen's staircase and Fort Fincastle. We enjoyed dinner with family and laying out in the sun. I apparently left a name for myself there as the Rosa Parks of the lounge I hear. All in all, it was a wonderful trip. We all came home with a little more color. The hardest part of it all is being back in the cold weather. When we landed at Dulles, it was sleeting and once we got home, there was a new layer of snow on the ground. Getting back into the routine of going to class has taken some getting used to but I think we are all back on track. The air seems a bit colder and the snow we got today doesn't help make it any warmer. Spring needs to get here fast! Oh, and I also got my exam back. I'm very proud to say that I got an A. I was one of 6 A's. The bulk of the class scored D's. I'm ecstatic!!! I only pray that this next unit goes as well. It seems a bit tougher....but I'll get through it. Here are some pics from our vacation.

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