Friday, February 27, 2009

Brian's girlfriend

The boys and I go to my parents to wait for Katheryn to finish dance class on Thursday's since it's two hours before she is finished. Brian and I were in the kitchen, I was studying and he was coloring. I took a break and I asked him what he had done at school that day. He said he played. I asked him if he could tell me who he played with. He said he played with Ariel....a girl in his class. I then asked him if she was a really good friend. He said, "no, she's my girlfriend." I told my dad after I stopped laughing and he then asked Brian if Ariel had a boyfriend. Brian's answer was "no, she don't have a boyfriend." LOL! For the past week, Brian's been drawing pictures and asking me how to spell Ariel's name so he can write them on the pictures. He neatly folds the picture up and tells me that he wants to mail it. So on our way to the bus stop, I tell him to put it in the mailbox. He walks so proudly to the mailbox, drops his letter in and smiles on the way back. He has no clue that I take these pictures out of the mailbox when I return from the bus stop. So feeling bad about this, I wrote his teacher a note asking if we could get Ariel's address if it was okay with her parents. After school I received a call from Brian's teacher letting me know that Ariel's mom was excited that I had asked because apparently Ariel talks about Brian very much and the only way Ariel's mom can get her to take a bath is to tell her that Brian has taken a bath that day. LOL. Matt and I have not met her parents yet but we do plan on getting together outside of school so that Ariel and Brian can continue being friends after the school year ends.

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