Monday, May 25, 2009

Uh-oh, Language Please!

Well, we've reached that point with Brian where he hears all the bad words and repeats. Hmmm....where is he getting these new words? Last week, Ethan and I walked up to the bus stop to get Brian but were a little late and found the bus waiting for us. While they were waiting, the bus driver and Brian had a conversation. Mr. Derek told me that Brian had said the F**K word and thought it was an okay word to say. Mr. Derek said he told him it wasn't but Brian just didn't agree. The night before Matt and I heard Brian singing to himself saying the word but kinda blew it off thinking that maybe he didn't know what he was saying and maybe we weren't understanding him correctly and that it would just fade away on it's own. Well, we got home and Brian and I talked about this word and how it wasn't a nice word to use. Brian then proceeded to tell me it was okay because he didn't say it at school. Then on Friday, his class had a class picnic at the town park and I asked his teachers if they had heard him say anything like this and they were all shocked to hear me ask. Then Ariel's mom, Brian's "girlfriend", told me that he may have picked it up from Ariel because she says it all the time. Well, at least that mystery was solved. This weekend has been totally busy for Matt and I trying to rid the clutter and move things around the house. Last night, the kids were in Brian and Ethan's room playing on the bunk beds and somehow they ripped the side panel off the top bunk. I was furious! Matt was too. When we found out who was on the top bunk...(Katheryn)...I yelled at her and told her that the top bunk was not her damn bed. Well, Brian picked up on that and went to Katheryn's door and pointed to her bed telling her, "Katheryn, this is your damn bed!" I looked at Matt and we both just started laughing. It was sooo funny. After we were able to calm down, I pulled Brian to the side and apologized and we talked about that not being a great word to say either.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pool Passes!!

Phew! What a day!! Last night I went to sleep on the couch at 2:30am and awoke this morning at 6:15am. I got Katheryn up, made pancakes for the boys and started on laundry. I then vacuumed the floor, folded some laundry and took the seats out of the van. I vacuumed the van and then shamoo'd the seats. Washed Ethan's carseat and shampoo'd the living room carpet and our mattress. Ethan slept with Matt last night and this morning when he woke up, he had soaked it. Once all that was cleaned up, Ethan and I took a walk to the bus stop to get Brian. Katheryn followed and then we were out the door to purchase season pool passes. We were headed to another room to get our ID's made when another lady and her friend walk in. The lady was a little overweight and Ethan took notice. He immediately ran up to her with his hand held out in front of him and told her to stop. He said, "STOP! you too big!" I wanted to hide. Thankfully she laughed and chuckled as I tried to make something up about him saying it in reference to something else. I don't know if she bought it though. How embarrassing. We then went to pick up Katheryn's new glasses. She was so excited. I told her she looks a little french. :) They're transistion lenses so she's really loving them when she's outside. :) We dropped Katheryn off at dance and headed to my parents to wait the two hours. We got home by 7:20pm and Matt was home by 7:45pm or so. Thank goodness I had made dinner before we left and had it in the oven on delay so it was ready for us by 7:30pm. I tried a new recipe...Quinoa Stuffed Peppers. It's something all the kids could eat but ofcourse, they didn't. Brian and Ethan both had hotdogs and broccoli and Katheryn only ate the inside of the pepper. One day they'll appreciate that I cook for them and actually eat what I make. I'm trying to make one meal so we can all eat rather than making three different meals with Brian being GFCF and Ethan having to be soy/milk free. It's tough.

Accident Day for mommy

Tuesday was a very busy day for us. I sanded, primed and painted the porch posts and once the kids got home from school, we were headed out the door within 15 minutes. Getting Brian and Ethan into the van is a lot of work at times. Ethan will usually forget his shoes and Brian will want to bring his entire hotwheel car collection with him. Once I got them situated, I was able to bring Cody up to join us. We were headed to his 3:30pm vet appointment. We arrived about 10 minutes prior to his appointment time and with Ethan being allergic to furry things, I told the receptionist we would wait outside. I handed Ethan some Benadryl to suck on while we waited. About 3:40pm I figured it was getting pretty close for us to be called in so we went inside to the waiting area. The kids were great as well as Cody. He's such a great dog. He laid on the floor while we waited. Finally after 40 minutes of waiting, I asked the receptionist when we might be seen because I had to get Brian to his dance class by 4:30pm. They then took Cody to get a test done for heartworm and then brought him out again. We waited another 5 minutes before being called back to a room. Once we were in a room, we waited at least another 10 minutes before the vet came in. I was not happy. We left the vet and rushed to Brian's dance class. We were 10 minutes late. Katheryn, Ethan and I stayed in the van while Brian was at class and to save some time, I had asked Katheryn to come to the front so I could brush her hair and get her hair ready for her concert at school. Brian's dance class is finished at 5:15pm and usually we would go to my parent's home and visit them before having to drop Katheryn off at dance from 6-7pm. However, because she had a music concert at school to be at by 6pm, we had to skip her dance class. Anyways, she moves up front and I start to brush her hair. The phone rings and it's Matt. He is on his way home in order to make it to Katheryn's concert. As I am talking to him, a van in front of us is backing up to move out it's spot. As they back up, they run into our van. I honk the horn and the van leaves. I was shocked. I tell this to Matt as I go out to see if there has been any damage. Just a scratched liscense tag. I was peturbed that the driver didn't stop so I decided to report it. I am literally parked right across the street from the police station but since I had Ethan, Katheryn and Cody with me, I decided to just call 911. I report the incident and they are sending a policeman over. I hang up the phone and start to brush Katheryn's hair again. A red truck then is pulling in to park. As he is backing in, again!!! The truck then hits our van with their hitch!!! My face must have looked horrid. I even honked before he backed into me but I guess he just wanted to hit me. At least he got out of his truck to see if he caused damage. I told him what had just happened two minutes prior and he couldn't believe it. As we're exchanging info, the policeman arrives. I send Katheryn to get Brian from class. The officer comes up and sees that the other guy and I had exchanged info and asks if he needs to file a report. I looked at him and said, "you're not going to believe this one...he is the second one to hit me within 5 minutes...the first car to hit me took off." We looked and I was clearly in the parking space. There was no damage to the van. I did get the tag number off the van that hit me first but I don't know if a report is going to be filed since there wasn't any damage to the vehicle. The officer did tell me that I may need to appear in court if needed and because we were in the van, the driver would be charged and could do jail time or be on probation. I'm torn, I don't know what to do if they do find him. Do I press on or do I let it go? I don't want Kharma coming back at me later. I guess the funniest and sweetest part of all of this was when Katheryn walked out with Brian. Brian saw the police car behind our van and the police officer beside me talking to me. Brian immediately looked concerned and scared and was going to stand up to this policeman and defend me. He walked up to him and said, "hey, that's my mommy!!" I had to assure him that he was helping me and not taking me anywhere. :) We finally get out of there at 5:30pm and rush home so Katheryn can get changed and grab her saxophone. Matt pulls in 5 minutes til 6pm. I felt like grunge, Matt was in uniform and Ethan spilled water all over himself. I quickly changed Ethan in the van and we all headed to the school. Sitting and waiting was the worst part with the boys. They wanted to sit on my lap...both of them and I had a stressful day so I told them no. They ofcourse complained and I gave in. Katheryn's group came onto stage and played a few songs from Hot Cross Buns to ...I can't remember. Afterwards, the 4th and 5th grade bands played together a variety of songs by Queen. It sounded really good. The concert ended around 7:30pm and we drove home, changed clothes and went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. There was no way that I was going to cook.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Amazing night!

Today Matt had a trip with work to Harper's Ferry and Antietam Battlefield, both of which are only about 20-40 minutes from here. His commute time to work this morning was cut short I would say. Anyways, it's an overnight so that left the kids and I home without Matt for dinner. It was supposed to rain all day today but for some unknown reason, it was bright and sunny and around 80. Just beautiful. The boys and I went to Brian's speech appointment early this morning and made a quick stop at the doctor's office to drop off paperwork for them to fill out for Brian's medical history. The school needs this in order to enroll him into Kindergarten. It was so cute. They have a playhouse and kid area so as soon as we got to the door, Ethan said he wanted to play in the house. He and Brian immediately fulfilled their wishes and played while I went to the window. About a minute later I told them "let's go" and they gave me a look of confusion. Brian then asked if he was going to see the doctor. I told him we were just dropping papers off and he couldn't understand why we were leaving without seeing a doctor. It was so funny. We then got home and the boys spent the day playing outside. I cut the grass and hung out with the boys and talked with the neighbors. Katheryn got home and it was more of the same. Playing outside. It was such a nice day. About 7pm, we finally all came inside. I got the boys bathed and I decided that we would go out to dinner. We went to Friendly's. It's not GFCF but I felt that the kids needed a break from my cooking and I needed a break from trying to figure out what to make for dinner. They didn't get any ice cream due to Ethan's allergies and I didn't want to overdo it with allowing them to have these gluten and casein filled foods. Katheryn was ecstatic to be eating out. She continually thanked me. The kids throughout dinner were the best behaved I have ever witnessed them to be at a restaurant. It was truly amazing. I had the best time with all three of them. We talked, we played and joked. It was truly wonderful. I've waited so long for this day to come where they would all enjoy each other's company without running up and down the aisles or hiding under the table. I was truly blessed tonight. I wish Matt was there to witness it. I love my kids. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Future Heartbreaker

Brian is definitely one who is catching on to how the other sex operates. It tickles me to watch him play with his friends. Our new neighbors have a little girl the same age as Brian and her name is Madison. They will be starting Kindergarten together this fall. One Saturday or Sunday Matt and I were outside with the neighborhood lot of kids in our front yard playing Duck Duck Goose and it was so fun to watch Madison stick up for Brian and try to protect him from being caught after saying goose. On Friday, as I was studying, the kids were playing outside in the beautiful spring weather. Brian and Madison came in and Brian went to the refridgerator to grab a juice bag. They left and a few minutes later came back in. As they were coming in the door, I hear Brian tell Madison, "you're pretty" and Madison responded back with a kind "thank you." They get to where I am and Brian asks me to help him put the straw through his juice bag. As I'm doing this, Brian looks at Madison again and proceeds to tell her "you look like a Princess." I was so tickled. I told Brian that that was a really nice thing to tell Madison. I gave him his juice bag and they headed back out to play. I hear Brian ask Madison "do you like my new shoes?" Well, he doesn't have new shoes and her response back to him was "yes, they look like skechers" and then they were out the door to play again. It's moments like that where I think Brian is going to be just fine. Then after all day of playing outside yesterday with Madison, I asked Brian when we were getting ready for bed if Madison was his new girlfriend. He responded with "I already have a girlfriend. Ariel is my girlfriend." I then asked him if Madison was his friend and he said that she didn't go to his school so she wasn't his girlfriend. So then I told him it was okay to be friends with Madison and he responded and said, "okay, she can be my girlfriend." LOL.