Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pool Passes!!

Phew! What a day!! Last night I went to sleep on the couch at 2:30am and awoke this morning at 6:15am. I got Katheryn up, made pancakes for the boys and started on laundry. I then vacuumed the floor, folded some laundry and took the seats out of the van. I vacuumed the van and then shamoo'd the seats. Washed Ethan's carseat and shampoo'd the living room carpet and our mattress. Ethan slept with Matt last night and this morning when he woke up, he had soaked it. Once all that was cleaned up, Ethan and I took a walk to the bus stop to get Brian. Katheryn followed and then we were out the door to purchase season pool passes. We were headed to another room to get our ID's made when another lady and her friend walk in. The lady was a little overweight and Ethan took notice. He immediately ran up to her with his hand held out in front of him and told her to stop. He said, "STOP! you too big!" I wanted to hide. Thankfully she laughed and chuckled as I tried to make something up about him saying it in reference to something else. I don't know if she bought it though. How embarrassing. We then went to pick up Katheryn's new glasses. She was so excited. I told her she looks a little french. :) They're transistion lenses so she's really loving them when she's outside. :) We dropped Katheryn off at dance and headed to my parents to wait the two hours. We got home by 7:20pm and Matt was home by 7:45pm or so. Thank goodness I had made dinner before we left and had it in the oven on delay so it was ready for us by 7:30pm. I tried a new recipe...Quinoa Stuffed Peppers. It's something all the kids could eat but ofcourse, they didn't. Brian and Ethan both had hotdogs and broccoli and Katheryn only ate the inside of the pepper. One day they'll appreciate that I cook for them and actually eat what I make. I'm trying to make one meal so we can all eat rather than making three different meals with Brian being GFCF and Ethan having to be soy/milk free. It's tough.

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