Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Diets...the natural cure all?

Here I go again, looking and researching online trying to find something to "fix" my children's ailments. I had joined an online group a while ago when I was researching the GFCF diet for Brian. This online group has brought me much information and is a great place for me to ask other parent's questions about the diet or about autism. It's very helpful and has been a great guide for me. As I was strolling through the posts today, I saw one that was titled "Red Cheeks" and I became curious. I only looked because I know that when Ethan has an allergic reaction to anything, his cheeks glow red. His cheeks were red today and I think that was due from the allergy testing done on him yesterday. Anyways, I'm reading through this post and warning bells start to ring in my head. My eyes can't take the information in fast enough. I was reading symptoms which included red cheeks, diarrhea, hyperactivity, sleep problems, head banging, short tempered, etc. and thought, "WOW! I think this is Ethan!" Apparently, these are all symptoms of phenol sensitivity. I had no clue what phenol is and researched. Wow! Apparently it's in EVERYTHING we eat. Many children with autism has this sensitivity. I often wondered if Ethan had a slight bit of autism or something. Something about him just seems off to me. I did recently ask his pediatrician about the head banging and he told me that it was because he couldn't express in words his frustrations to me so to get attention he bangs his head. My best bet is to ignore it and it'll eventually go away when he doesn't get the attention, so the doctor said. Well, I had been ignoring it but it's still present. He still bangs his head. It's quite scary at times. Anyway, so I'm reading and I can't help but think to myself that wouldn't this be odd if I diagnose Ethan with having phenol sensitivity before a doctor. If I do, that's kind of sad but it is the parent's responsibility to keep up with the health of their children. So as I'm reading, I discover something called The Feingold Diet where they eliminate the chemicals and food colorings. I was very taken aback when I found out that the pretty red color in fruit punch and other drinks comes from petroleum...same stuff as what gas is made from. I also learned the D&C and number colorings you find on your foods means that they are chemicals added but are not safe for food. Hmmm. So that yellow #5 in that Mountain Dew you're drinking...not a good thing! There seems to be some added benefit to this Feingold diet for children with any of the 4-A's, autism, ADD, ADHD and I can't remember the other one at this moment. Anyways, all of the specialists working with Brian seem to think he's headed toward the ADD aspect so I'm thinking to help him with his attention, I should try this Feingold Diet. I would do it for both him and for Ethan. It's going to be so hard though. Everything we eat has phenol. Ethan's favorite foods are high in phenol which makes sense to why his bowels are not quite solid. He loves grapes, bananas, berries, fruit snacks, OJ....all have phenol. This is going to take some time to research but I truly hope that once I start it, it will really show tremendous improvement in both boys for different reasons. Brian, for focus and attention and Ethan for his allergies, asthma and hyperactivity. This could definitely explain his mischievousness. Can you imagine a well behaved Ethan if this diet works??!! I think I would love it and wouldn't mind all the research and work that I'd have to put into this diet. :) It would be well worth it. So if anyone has any info they'd like to share about this diet, I am open to suggestions. It looks like I will be heading to Borders for some books on "Why My Child Is Hyperactive" and something about curing/recovering the 4-A's. All this on top of school work. Aaaahhhhh.

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