Wednesday, March 18, 2009

IEP meeting for Brian

We had Brian's IEP meeting with the school yesterday. It went okay. We've updated his goals for the remainder of the year and got some information to get his IEP updated once he starts kindergarten in the fall. I've been amazed with his results so far and the hint from his speech and language pathologist at school about possible ADD. Well, I guess I need to start believing that it is possible. After Brian's speech appointment this morning which is seperate from what he receives at school, I was wow'd. Is that a word?? LOL. His therapist this morning showed me test scores that she was able to complete and Brian showed great improvement. He is just a little below the mean but not far. He's made a huge jump. This is encouraging. She then proceeds to tell me that she thinks Brian gets distracted easily and isn't able to pay attention to all the details. She reads him a story and points at the pictures as she's reading and then asks Brian to retell the story pointing at the pictures. He can retell the story but he doesn't get the pictures placed right. She said he gets interested in other things and doesn't focus. Amazing I thought. The therapists are independent of each other and I'm getting the same information. It seems as though I will need to speed up the process and find out when and if our referral went through for the developmental pediatrician. I need to start researching ADD. I'm not big for medication...I don't want to cover the problem up. I want to figure it out and hopefully I'll be able to find a way to help him clear the fog. I've been reading a little and avoiding artificial coloring/flavorings may be next. We'll see.

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