Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last day of Pre-K

I just put Brian on the bus to Pre-K for the very last time. :( It's such an emotional feeling. It's joyous and sad all rolled in together. I don't think he quite understands the transition he'll be making. I sent him in with gift boxes we made filled with homemade truffles for his teachers and bus drivers. He has 3 bus drivers and 5 teachers!!!! That's a lot of thank you gifts to make so we went the cheap homemade gift route.
Brian had a lot of fun writing his name on top of the gift boxes. I however did not have so much fun staying up until 2:30am decoupaging the boxes for the bus drivers. Paper doesn't fold nicely over heart shaped boxes. The square boxes were fun. We took pre-K writing paper...the one with the dotted line in the center of the line....and wrapped it on the lid and then wrapped light blue paper on the bottom and tied it off with a red ribbon. They turned out nice. Each box holds 4 truffles and unfortunately the heart boxes only hold 3. I made peanut butter coated in cocoa, mint chocolate coated in coconut and semi-sweet coated in peanuts. Today I am making milk chocolate coated in milk chocolate sprinkles and semi sweet flavored with almond coated in nuts possibly to add to Katheryn's teacher's box. She only has one teacher so this teacher will get a bigger box. Katheryn picked out some fabric to wrap the box with so I'll be working on that today so she can take it with her tomorrow for her last day.

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