Tuesday, June 16, 2009


About two weeks ago, I was having a really hard day with the kids. I was constantly cleaning up messes and just not happy how the day had turned out. During the afternoon, I received a call from the YMCA offering a child care spot for Ethan. I asked that they keep him on the list for August when school started back and they said it would be fine. About a month or two before this, I had filled out a scholarship application with the Ft. Myer Spouses Club. Well, I checked the mail once Matt had gotten home and there was a letter addressed to me from the spouses club. I opened it and voila! I had won a $1000 scholarship! I was so excited that the neighbor ran home to make some strawberry daiquiris to celebrate. She used strawberries that we had picked a few days before. It was so yummy!! So everything is falling into place. I have money now to pay for two more classes and I only need two general classes in order to complete my associates degree. I'm so excited! I have a child care spot available for Ethan and Brian will be attending Kindergarten full time in the fall. There is no excuse for me not to pursue my associates now. It's just an exciting and wonderful feeling to finally have this part accomplished. Then in the spring I will apply for the nursing program and take microbiology. Then I will have two years to go before becoming an RN. Things are on track and looking good.
Then about a day later, I received a letter asking me to attend the award ceremony at the Army Chief of Staff's home at Ft. Myer. Matt was really excited about this. I on the other hand didn't think it was such a big deal but when Matt was excited, I figured that this must be a good thing. He told me that it would be bad for me to decline the invitation. So we got a babysitter and went. It was really nice. It was a really big deal apparently. There was so much food and there were congressmen and reporters. Altogether I believe there were 48 scholarships awarded that night and 2 spouse scholarships. I fell into the spouse category. Matt tried to take a couple of pictures but I think he had the camera on the wrong setting. They are a little blurry but you can still make it out. The Army Chief of Staff's wife is to my left.

Me accepting my scholarship

Me announcing my field of study

With our recent visit to NC speaking with friends, I'm really thinking that I'm moving into the wholistic medicine area of the medical field. I've done so much with Brian and Ethan just through diet that it amazes me how much a diet can heal our bodies. I'm really starting to believe that organic is the best way to go. I'm starting to read a book now called "The Hallelujah Diet" and it's basically two different approaches to the american diet from experience and a scientific standpoint and reaching similar conclusions. Something about eating a raw diet is best. We shall see. I'm sure it'll be helpful in our family and just maybe it'll heal Ethan's allergies as well.

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