Saturday, July 11, 2009

Babies come from God

Brian has been on a quest to see who knows where babies come from. He asked me the question all parents wait for ... "where do babies come from?" My response to him was that babies are a gift from God. He seemed satisfied with that answer and that was the end of it. A few weeks ago, we had gone to Subway and a lady was in line ahead of us and was holding an older baby and Brian went to her and asked, "where did your baby come from?" She turned and looked at me and told Brian that we leave those questions to your mommy. He responded back to her that her baby was a gift from God and that he was a baby once and that he was a gift from God as well. :) I was so proud of him...spreading the good news! :) Then this morning, as I was at the dining room table, he asked me if he was born. I told him that yes, he was born in Germany. Then he said "God made me born?" I told him again that yes, God gave him to Matt and I as a gift and that he grew inside and then had to be born to come out of me. Then he asked me if he was a cute baby. I told him, "yes, you were a very cute baby." He then says, "yeah, I am adorable" and walked away. LOL! He cracks me up. :)

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