Monday, July 13, 2009

Potty Training - Day 1

Well, I'm getting down to my last bit of pull-ups. When I bought the box, I told myself that this would be the last box of pull-ups I would buy. With my supply running low, I thought today would be a great day to start training Ethan to go potty. When he woke up, we pulled off his pull-ups and replaced them with Elmo underwear. He didn't want them but I put them on him. After breakfast, I had him sit on the potty and he said his pee pee wasn't going to come out. We tried again about an hour later and still nothing. I mentioned that we had apple pie and if he could go #2 that he could have some. This got his attention for a minute but then it quickly faded. He didn't care. More hours passed and he had two accidents. I told him that if he could go pee in the potty, he could have candy. He demanded candy right then but I stuck to my guns and said not until there's pee in the potty. I had then gone upstairs to clean up the boys' room and put laundry away when Katheryn came racing upstairs. She said Ethan went and sat on the potty and when she thought she heard water, she went to check on him and saw that he was peeing in the potty. He then flushed, pulled his underwear up and washed his hands. Amazing!! I thought, potty training is going to be easy! Well, I thought too soon. An hour later, he pee'd in his underwear again. I changed him several times after this and finally he came to me to open some carrots. I asked him if he had to go pee and he started to back away from me and said no. Hmmm. Something tells me he's wet...again. Sure enough...he went in his underwear...again. Potty training is some tough business. I then went outside later to wash the car and clean out the garage. Ethan came out too and was just in a shirt and his underwear. He was so gosh darn cute running around like that. I just wish potty training were just as simple. At dinner, Ethan got a bit fussy because his corn cob was too hot. I cooled it off but I think he was also tired because he went into a screaming rage and suddenly stopped screaming. Right at that moment as we are all trying to eat dinner, Ethan is standing beside my chair and pee starts running down his leg , past his shoe and onto the kitchen floor. Great! I hadn't even finished dinner. I quickly strip him and take him to the bath. We then read a story together and now he's peacefully sleeping. Tomorrow is another day. ;0 Hopefully I can get him potty trained by the end of the week but at this rate, that may be just a bit too ambitious. ;-)

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