Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 4th Weekend

We had a great July 4, 2009! Matt was home from work Fri-Mon which meant lots of family time. On Friday, Matt and I spent the day getting ready for our backyard BBQ for Saturday. We put up a canopy and set up the tables and chairs. Matt and Katheryn cut the grass in the backyard while I got the inside straightened up and laundry finished.
Saturday was busy with food prep and cleaning the house. It worked out pretty well. Our friends came between 2 and 3 and Matt grilled up the chicken, dogs, brats, shish kabobs and burgers which all turned out very delicious!!! The spread of food was wonderful. Everyone brought a side or a dessert and I think I've gained about 5 lbs because everything was just so wonderful.
Around 6pm we had a convoy of 4 headed over to Antietam Battlefield for fireworks. It was soo much fun. They are absolutely the best fireworks show around this area. They lasted for about 30 minutes. Matt was able to secure a spot earlier that morning right up front by the Maryland Symphony Orchestra.
Our friend Wendi and her daughter were able to spend the night with us as well as another of Katheryn's friends. On Sunday, we had some left overs from lunch and headed out to play mini golf. Matt ofcourse won. :) We then said our goodbyes to Wendi and her daughter and headed to the pool. The kids enjoyed it however Katheryn was miserable and grumpy. She was trying to make everyone else have a horrible time because she didn't bring her bathing suit. She got over it though once I ordered some pizza and fries for the kids. :) It was a great time.
Then on Monday we went to Frederick to pick up my $50 spa gift certificate that I had won on the radio. Since we were in Frederick, we decided to stop in at Verizon so I could get a new battery for my phone. Well, batteries are an accessory and would cost $40. I was then told that I had a $50 credit towards a new handset and then the deal of buy one LG brand phone and get 4 free looked interesting. Well, because I needed a new battery, we went ahead and I picked out a new handset. I love the phone that I had and ended up getting an updated version of it. I don't love it yet but it's very similar. Matt updated his phone and we got Katheryn her first cell phone since it would be free. So now Katheryn has her very own cell. Look out!!!
Afterwards, we drove to Cunningham Falls for some hiking. The boys absolutely loved it and Katheryn was there with her new cell phone taking pictures and video. LOL! She is so tickled to have this phone. LOL!
We ended the day coming home to some more BBQ and enjoying the evening on the back patio. The kids and I lit up some sparklers and Brian and Ethan took to them very well. Brian was actually dancing with his sparkler in hand while Katheryn was the opposite. She was completely afraid to hold it and dropped hers on the patio and wouldn't go near another one. LOL!
It was a great weekend with family!! I truly enjoyed every minute spent.
Matt and I waiting for fireworks skimming through a home improvement magazine.
Brian and Madison walking to the fireworks.
So cute!!

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