Sunday, January 18, 2009


Ethan is now officially a big boy today. When he woke up this morning, he told me he wanted to pee in the big potty but when I went to take his pull-up off from the night, it was a little stinky so I told him we'd have to wait a bit. I never put a pull-up back on him so he's been running around the house with his bum out. We tried once a little later on the big potty but he wouldn't have it. He said he was too scared. I didn't put any pants back on him but I did put the little potty in the living room where he was watching television and I told him if he needed to go, he could do it there. I went back to studying and a few minutes reason I can't get any studying done....Ethan comes to me and tells me he wants to pee-pee in the potty. He was very excited and when I headed towards the bathroom, he pulled me to the living room and very energetically says, "see, pee-pee in potty!" Ethan pee'd in the potty all on his own!!! Hooray for Ethan. I'm so thankful it was in the potty and not anywhere else. :)

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