Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What?! A bicycle on I-70?!

Okay, so last Monday I sideswiped my parents car as I was backing out of the driveway. This Monday, just last night, Matt was driving home on I-70 and the truck in front of him swerved suddenly off to the shoulder. Matt was not able to react with a car to the left of him and the truck now stopped on the shoulder so he had no choice but to slow down but there wasn't enough time. There was a darn bicycle in the middle of his lane!!! He ran over it and it got stuck under the undercarriage. After waiting over an hour for the state police to not show up, he called our insurance and they told him he didn't need an accident report and they filed the claim. The rep asked if it was the caravan and my husband had to inform him that it was the Rav and that the caravan was my claim. He got a good chuckle out of that. We however aren't going to find it amusing if our premium goes up. Aaahhh. Years of no accidents and then suddenly here they are. Matt was not hurt by the way...just his car.

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