Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What an exciting day!

Life has been going by at full speed these past few weeks. Many know that I have started back to class so that I can knock another prerequisite off my list. I have two to go before the nursing program and they are both sciences. I wasn't all that big on science but now I'm finding it quite interesting. It was tough these first 2 weeks adjusting to being back in school and being a mom and wife at the same time. I haven't quite found my groove yet, but it's getting better. My mornings are quite hectic the days that I have class and this morning was no exception. My parents came to watch Ethan and it just seemed that all morning I was moving so fast trying to get breakfast for the kids, clean the house and messes created from breakfast, prep dinner for the crockpot, get Brian dressed and ready for school and review my notes for the test I had today. It was non-stop go go go. Matt said I was making him tired from moving around so much. It was the pace for the day. I realized then that I may have missed Brian's bus. So he and I rush out and I'm praying that the bus is waiting for us. They usually do wait. I start backing out and I hear a big crunching scraping sound. Oh no!! I side swiped my parent's Lincoln Cartier town car. Great! I quickly pulled forward, assessed the damage in about a second and sprinted to the front porch and rang the doorbell like someone was about to attack me. As I run back to the car, I yell to my mom, "Sorry, I hit your car!!" I couldn't stay, I had to go or else I would be late for class myself. As I pull out, making sure not to hit their car again, Brian tells me that I need to be more careful and that I need to drive better. :) As we approach the bus stop, it's 11:04 and I see wet tire marks from the snow on the road that look like it could belong to a bus. I left and headed to drop Brian off. Thankfully the school he attends is right on campus. We get there at 11:15 but the school does not open for the afternoon session until 11:30. I couldn't wait with him, my class started at 11:30 so I desperately pleaded my case to one of the teachers and they said he could wait this time. Phew! I saw the bus as I was walking out and she said they waited but I missed them probably by a minute. I get to class with a minute to spare and am breathless by now. So much has happened in just my morning. I then went to lab and took my first test on the heart. I did really well and was relieved. I finally made it home and had to call the insurance company to make a claim. Done. My parents leave in there sideswiped car and I am getting back to things in the house. Ethan has been hanging out in the house bare bottomed all day. He won't wear underwear and for me it's great because he is actually potty training himself. He's such a smart boy. :) I caught Ethan dumping his potty seat into the toilet which was wonderful! It was pee. Then a while later, I see him and I kept getting whiffs of, well, do I need to describe it? I heard the toilet flushing upstairs and assumed he did 2 upstairs. Well, after a little while, Ethan brings me his potty bowl with a present in it. I was soo proud and happy to see that he can go on his own. It's the one bright thing that happened in my day of chaos.

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