Friday, January 16, 2009


The last week has been a really rough ride for me. I have started classes and I have no idea how I was able to manage two classes when Matt was deployed because with him home, I can hardly manage the one class I'm taking. The kids are really putting up obstacles for me and mostly I'm sure, can't be helped. They're kids and that's what they do best. Time management is going to be a big one for me this semester. Yesterday I think was the craziest day of all. We had so much going on. We FINALLY got Brian's referrals and insurance squared away (since moving here in June!) and we had his first two appointments yesterday morning. One for Occupational therapy and one for Speech Therapy. The appointment was at 9am which was perfect since Katheryn went to school at 7:30 and Brian at 11am. Well, Jack Frost didn't agree and the night before it snowed. So school was delayed 2 hours which put me in a jam because that meant Katheryn wouldn't leave the house until 9:20am. What was I to do?? Thankfully right before it was time to engage in a plan, the phone rang letting me know that school was cancelled for the day. Phew! Problem solved! Brian's appointments went well. He was evaluated in October and comparing his scores from October to now, there has been improvement. This is great news! For OT, he is in the normal range on one chart and still has a few fine motor skills to fine tune like grasping a pencil in a tripod grasp rather than the whole fist. His score slightly improved for speech but not too dramatic but it still is improvement. We left the offices and went shopping for groceries. This in itself is an event with three young ones, especially when they have money to spend. Brian finally spent his gift card from his birthday and bought a black iDog. He and Katheryn now hook their iDogs up to one another and play the same beats over and over and over again. It's very loud. Once we were home, it seemed like it was time to leave again. Katheryn had 2 hours of dance and while she was there, the boys and I went to my parent's home. I tried to study there but there was no point. Ethan seemed to have gotten a little congested while there and wouldn't stop wheezing and coughing. I think it was an allergic reaction to the dogs. He finally threw up right before we left to get Katheryn. Now normally I would have pictures detailing every event but I just didn't think a pic would be great for this next one. Today I have been trying to study. I have two quizzes to take online and after trying to study and not being successful, I gave up and decided to just take the quiz. I am not great when it comes to timed tests. I had 20 minutes to get this one done and you don't know how much time you have until you open up the quiz to find out and your time automatically begins. So as I am reading and rushing to answer questions, Brian decides to come in and starts talking to me. I went over the time limit by 20 seconds. Thankfully I only missed 2 questions and got a B. Phew! So then I decide to start making notes while listening to the class recording. On que, every two minutes, someone needs something. Brian wanted a snack and left. Then Ethan needed a new diaper. Then Ethan wanted a drink. Then Ethan wanted a snack. The doorbell rings's Katheryn's friend. The telephone rings and it's the neurologist's office. Brian comes in and tells me he needs to go pee. Finally just when I thought I could sit and start concentrating, Brian comes in from the kitchen with his pants wrapped around his ankles and tells me that he went poopy in the potty. I turn to look at him and I notice a brown clunk on the kitchen floor. i get up to investigate. Great! You guessed's poop! It must have not fallen while he was on the fell off when he came running to the kitchen. I steered him back towards the bathroom to wait for me while I cleaned his present up in the kitchen. Aaahhhh. Kids are wonderful. I'm contemplating on whether or not I should continue with school or drop the class, get a full refund and just wait until the kids are all in school. I have until the 20th, Tuesday, to make my decision. Most likely I'll battle it out.

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