Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

It's hard to remember back to Ethan's bday but I will do my best to recapture the day. On December 26th, Ethan turned 3! Hooray, out of the terrible two's...so I thought. You'll see what I mean in a later post. Let me first get through the birthday.
The morning of his birthday, I spent mostly in the kitchen working on a gluten and casein free birthday cake so that Brian could enjoy the birthday with us. Katheryn and Nana spent their time playing Boggle while Pop-pop did some work. I can't recall what Matt was doing. Brian was no where to be seen for quite a while. The plan was to get to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate sometime that day. As we were all getting ready for this adventure, I went to look for Brian to see what he needed to have done in order for us to get going. I found him in bed covered with his blanket. He was burning up. His temp was 103. I immediately gave him some Ibuprofen. Thankfully we had the children's chewable and I was able to convince him that they were vitamins. His temp came down and a few hours later he was back to normal. I didn't realize that Matt had placed a television in his room to keep him occupied while he was in bed. My parents then came over and we had ordered take out from the local chinese restaurant. When we lived in NC, we would order takeout from a place next to Food Lion and it was pretty good. Now that we are in MD, the takeout place we order from is also next to a Food Lion and it's not bad either. Hmmm....coincidence?
Anyway, after feasting on our huge array of food (my mom also brought Christmas leftovers), it was time to cake! It was a chocolate/vanilla checkered gfcf cake!!! It wasn't the prettiest cake I had ever made but I knew that Brian could partake in this one. It was okay for gfcf.

Ethan's Birthday Cake

I took our helium tank and filled a few balloons for Ethan. While Matt and I were lighting the candle, we heard laughter from the dining room. What's going on?? The grandparents were playing a hiding game with Ethan's balloons. Nana had asked Ethan where his balloons had gone to and Ethan replied back, "Right there" as he walked over and tapped on pop-pop Joye's tummy. That's a statement if I ever heard one! Not to mention, pop-pop Joye is now taking morning walks. His excuse is that he's getting in shape for the Army 10 Miler in October. We'll see where he's at once September comes.

Birthday balloons Ethan was excited and he blew out his candle before the Happy Birthday song was finished being sung to him. It was time for presents! Christmas was just a warm up. He got some great toys, clothes and money. It was nice to be able to spend his birthday with both sets of grandparents and his dad. We missed out on having daddy home with us last year.

Ethan blowing out the candle

Ethan opening presents

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